Monday, April 1, 2013

Body Revolution Phase I review and results....

Hello All,

      I have been reading several blogs and following some that have been very inspirational to me and has kept me pushing play even when I didn't want to at all.  So I have decided to start my own blog to update daily/weekly my thoughts on these workouts and my progress as I go along to hopefully motivate others as well.  Please feel free to follow me here and on My Fitness Pal.  (5bsanders on MFP) 

Phase One Review and Results:
      Phase One started out with WO's 1 & 2 being pretty laid back with more focus on the core and balance.  Then WO's 3&4 were definitely more difficult but nothing a newbie like me couldn't handle. So far this program is doing a great job at progressively getting me ready for what I hear will be some extreme workouts to come in the next few weeks. I am down only 2.6 pounds, but I have lost 8.5 inches in my waist, belly button, and hips!  So basically not a huge weight loss or even what I had hoped for, but I will take the loss in inches.  I can tell a difference in the mirror and in how some of my clothes fit.  My detailed results are below. Today I took my arm and leg measurements as well to see how much they will change over the next month. 

                     March 4th                     April 1st                     Total Lost
Waist:               35.75                           33.25                          -2.50
Belly Button:   39.00                            36.25                          -2.75
Hips:                42.50                            39.25                          -3.25
                                                                                                  8.50 inches

Phase Two Begins Today!
      Well, I started Phase Two today, Workout 5!  Wow it was definitely a step up but I liked it.  I feel like that is what I need to see the results that I want to see.  However right after the workout my arms were so tired and burning.  Alot of arm work in this one! I have read in several blogs that Phase Two is where you start to see more weight loss.  I sure hope so!  Workout 6 tomorrow! 


  1. Hi Becky, I said I would pop over and say hello.
    Good luck with phase 2, I am also hoping to see more weight loss in this phase, but I am changing my body shape and getting stronger so it's all good! Have a good day x

    Vicki@Family, Fun & Fitness

  2. Hey Vicki,

    Thanks for checking this out. No matter how upset I get about the lack of weight loss you always seem to help me realize what really deep down I already know....I am feeling better and shrinking so the scale isn't everything! Good luck today!
