Monday, April 8, 2013

Starting Week 6! Halfway there!

      I started Week 6 today with WO 5!  It didn't seem as hard the second time which seems to keep being the case with each new workout.  Tomorrow will be WO 6 which I like much better than WO 5.

A New Hobby????

       One of my friends from My Fitness Pal, Vicki, has inspired me to try Couch 2 5K.  Now let me just give you some background info first.  I absolutely HATE the thoughts of running at all!  Unless someone is chasing me with a sharp object or a large animal such as a bear is chasing me I just DO NOT do it!  That being said, spring has finally came back to the beautiful Appalachian Mountains and I decided to download the app on my phone on Saturday and try it.  I didn't get all the way through it b/c I got a runners stitch and ended up walking the rest of the way.  But today, I was sooo ready to try again so I did, but this time on the treadmill while my son was in Karate class.  I made it all the way through Day 2 today!  Yay me!!!  I am so proud of myself.  Now I don't know how dedicated to this program I will be but I am definitely going to try to do as much as I can.  Thanks again Vicki for keeping me motivated!  Thanks to all of you in cyber space who unknowingly keep me motivated through your posts on MFP and your blogs which I enjoy reading. 

Week 5 results:

Weight -1pound (Now a loss of 3.6 pounds since March 4th, not great I know but at least it is trending in the right direction.  I really do wish I could figure out why I am not losing as much weight I should be, but I will keep going on as long as I can feel the difference.  The scale is not the be all end all!

                           April 1st                            April 8th                             Loss
Waist:                  33.25                                    33                                   -.25
Belly Button:       36.25                                    35.5                                -.75
Hips:                    39.25                                    38.75                              -.50
                                                                                                                 1.5 inches

That is a total of 10 inches since March 4th just in my mid-section!  I will take it!  I have started keeping track of my legs, arms, and bust, but not a significant difference this week.  I probably won't measure those again until the end of Phase 2.       

Hope to see you all tomorrow!  WO 6 here I come!  Good luck tomorrow everyone! 


  1. Yay for couck to 5 K! Trust me I HATED running in school and never wanted to do it again. Then I started C25K and fell in love with it. Now I WANT to run, crazy huh? I am so glad my blog motivates you - in turn you motivate me and we all can help each other and others too. Support and real life experiences are vital in this process. Enjoy your next run, Vicki xx

    Family, Fun &

  2. Thanks Vicki I tried but I think I will stick to concrete or treadmill from here on out unless I am biking or walking. I ran on gravel (large gravel) and it really hurt my legs. You are right is all about support and real life experiences of others to help us stay motivated.
