Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday 2/19/14

Weigh In Wednesday

Well let me just say that even with the best of intentions I continue to amaze myself at how I can lose focus and splurge so easily.  I did not get to workout very much this past week due to our snow storm that kept us inside and away from my group workouts at work.  I know that I could have worked out at home but I allowed myself to use the snow storm as an excuse. Then I went out for a Valentine's Date with my hubby and ate way too much.  Afterwards we came home with a box of Cinnabon to eat on for the rest of the weekend.  They were the small ones and I only ate two but that makes a big difference especially when my Thyroid is going out of control again.  Anyway enough excuses so....drum roll please..........Current Weight 163.6 and a previous weight of 160.4.  That is a GAIN of 3.2 pounds as of last Saturday!  YIKES!!!!! WTHeck!  Oh well I am working harder on my diet and exercise this week so we will see how the next weigh in goes. Hopefully better than the last! 

Have a great night! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Could I really be a Food-A-Holic?

Answer:  YES!

Clues that I am a Food-A-Holic? 
  • I constantly think about food!
  • I plan my nights and weekends around food!
  • I eat even when I am not hungry! 
  • I have formed many habits that are surrounded by food!
Foods I love the most.... (I have these food almost every weekend!  I just can't seem to break the cycle.  I do okay through the week but I just negate anything that I did good during the week on the weekend eating this stuff.  I just can't stop!  My biggest bad habbit is SWEET TEA!  I love, love, love it!  Like seriously......I don't need alcohol or anything else to calm me down after a hard day of work.  I just need my sweet tea!  (And yes in case anyone is wondering....I am from the South! haha)


I have been sick with a horrible cold and we were snowed in the last part of this week and this weekend so I have all of this stuff and more!  Why? I justify it to myself as I do it by saying that I am too sick to workout so I might as well go ahead and eat what I want. Plus the food will make me feel better! 
Why do I do this to myself????  I DON'T KNOW!  All I can think of is that I am truly a FOOD-A-HOLIC!  And I need some serious help! 
So let me just say:  Hi, My name is Becky and I am a Food-A-Holic! 
A few of the options that I have come up with in my mind are.....
  • I must break my usual habits especially on Saturday and Sunday's  by trying to find healthier options for breakfast especially!  Or maybe trying to do a workout when I would rather go out to eat something that I know I shouldn't be eating.
I have Hypothyroidism and have had it for 10 years.  6 1/2  of those years I stayed on the same dose and was able to lose weight without a lot of difficulty!  In 2010 my thyroid decided to go absolutely crazy and I gained massive amounts of weight in no time!  It took me a little while to get it back under control and since then it has went out of our control a couple more times as well.  My last lab reports said that my thyroid was hyperactive right now.  I am in the process of finding a new doctor who can really get to the bottom of my problem.  With my thyroid being hyper active right now I should be experiencing weight loss but I am not.  I have read that sometimes your body does not convert thyroid T4 like it should to T3 which is what your cells use.  There can be many reasons that your body doesn't convert but you have to find a doctor who will test for those reasons.  Otherwise you are taking medicine that is not actually going into your cells as needed even though the blood work says that it is.  I am hoping to call tomorrow to get an appointment so that I can get clarification that this could be part of my problem and maybe get it fixed soon.  Please know that I am not blaming all of my weight gain on this problem because I know that what you eat is most of the battle but at this point I feel like I could eat basically nothing and still gain weight.  I think this also makes me feel like there is no point in trying so I should just eat what I want.  Yes, I know this is not a good or healthy way to think about it.  It is like I just can't snap out of these horrible habits I have formed in my life and I just need help!
Please feel free to comment any advice that you might have on this subject.  At this point I am never going to lose weight and my workouts are for nothing! 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Weigh-In Wednesday (on Saturday!)

Weigh In Wednesday

Late I know..... (it is really not easy to get back on this weight loss wagon!)
Anyway, I did weigh in last week but I simply did not make it back on here til the weekend and I thought it would be too late to post.  However the same thing happened this week and I did not want to get too far behind so I am posting on the weekend anyway for February 5th and 12th. Remember:  I weigh in on Saturday's for the previous week. 
 (I know a bit confusing...sorry.) 
Where to start???  Well, since I weigh in on Saturday's and post my results on Wednesday's I am down two weigh-in's.
  • My results for February 5, 2014 (week of January 27th - Feb. 1st) were 161.6 pounds.  So I gained .6 pounds that week.  But I did lose a few inches so that helped me keep my self-confidence up.
  • February 12th (Weigh-In for week of February 3rd -8th): Last week,... I was unable to workout with my workout buddies from work due to faculty meetings and staff development workshops out of town so I felt like the whole week was a waste.  That put me a week behind on T25 and so I kind of let my diet go.  I did weigh-in last Saturday just to make sure I held myself accountable and my results were......160.4I actually lost 1.2 pounds. I still find it hard to believe that when I workout I gain weight and lose inches but when I don't workout I lose weight.  However I did not lose as many inches that week.  I am starting to realize what everyone else has always said about losing inches not weight.  It is sometimes better to lose inches than weight on the scale because your weight fluctuates so much from hour to hour and day to day.  So I am keeping track of my measurements as well.  I will only post those once a month so I don't bog you down with too many details.  If you are interested thought, I do log them up the "My Progress" tab at the top of this page. I update that page periodically so it may not always be up to date. 
  • I did weigh-in today but I will not post that measurement until Wednesday so that I will be back on track. Hopefully I do not miss anymore Weigh-In Wednesdays as it is not so good to get behind. 
I hope everyone was able to stay warm and safe if you live in the Eastern part of the U.S. like me.  We were snowed Wednesday night, Thursday, and a good part of Friday too.  We got right at 12 inches here in the Appalachian Mountains of NC.  My hubby took me out last night for Valentine's Day to one of my favorite Japanese Restaurants.  Needless to say that was not good for my diet! Haha! 
                                                A pic from our Valentine's Date Night!
Goals for the upcoming week:  
Start Week 5 of T25 and workout every day! I also need to drink more water and not eat my way through my workout results. I am bad to workout and think that because I just finished my workout, I can have whatever I want to eat.  That is not creating the deficit that I need in calories! 
Does anyone have any tips on how to get myself back in gear so to speak when it comes to exercise and diet?  I would love to hear any suggestions or tips that you might have to help me as I am struggling right now.