Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I am back!

I am back and I am starting by linking up with Weigh-In Wednesday!
Weigh In Wednesday
Wow!  I have really let myself go!  I have not posted anything on my blog since August!  However I have tried to update the way my Blog looks.  I am really kind of new to this blogging experience and honestly I need all the help that I can get.  I am back because I feel like I did much better with my weight loss journey when I felt like I was accountable to someone other than myself!  That is where you all out there in cyber space came in! Please feel free to comment. I need all the help and motivation that I can get. 
I have linked up with Weigh-In Wednesday several times before and found it to be very helpful as well.  I don't want to just post about my Weight Loss Journey on here as I am looking to become a "better me" in all areas of my life. However my weight loss journey will be a big focus as I try this blogging experience again.
Now to get down to business!
Weigh-In for Wednesday, January 29th:  161.0 pounds!!!!
My weigh in day will have to be on Saturday b/c that is my Weight Watchers Weigh-In Day and I have tried several different days to step on the scale in the past and Saturday just works best for me so I will just stick with that but report my progress on Wednesdays.  My progress from last year is under the "Progress" tab at the top of my site if anyone is interested.  You will see that I did really good for a while on Jillian Michael's Body Revolution but fell off the wagon and then got ran over by it! Haha!  Now I am almost back to where I started.  I know, very depressing, right?  Anyway I have found the strength to get back on the wagon.  On January 13th, I started Shaun T's FOCUS T25 workout program and I love it!  Haven't lost weight but I have lost some inches.
My T25 Tracker App (So far so good.) 



  1. You can link up even though your weigh in day is Saturday... I cannot wait to see how you do :) Thanks for joining us and welcome back to blogging!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for hosting this weekly weigh-in! :)

  2. I hope things go well with T25. I just started blogging this year. It's been great to talk and read about others on the same journey. Good luck on yours.

    1. Thank you! So far I am really liking T25. I just finished week 3. You are right this blogging world makes me feel like I am not in this battle alone. Good luck on your journey as well.
